Important Things to Consult with Your Cosmetic Dentist in Walnut Creek
Generally, a dental consult is a short and non-invasive meeting with your dentist where you and your dentist will discuss your situation, as well as your treatment options. Furthermore, a dental consultation is a great time to ask any questions that you may have about oral health.
Occasionally, there may be a small fee for a dental consultation, however, this is simply to cover the time that they will be spending with you.
For minor procedures such as cleanings and filling, you’re probably not going to need a consultation before-hand. However, if you’ve been thinking about having any type of major dental procedure done, it’s highly recommended that you book a consultation with your dentist, so that you’ll be better prepared when it comes time for your procedure.
Below, we’ll go over a few more reasons that explain why a dental consultation might be a good idea.
Discussing Eligibility
It’s no secret that dental care offers a highly individualized approach to health care. This is because there are no two people who are exactly alike and not everyone will be eligible for the same treatment.
In some cases, there will be minor issues such as cavities or gum disease which will need to treatment. Other times, there may an existing condition outside of your mouth that may prevent you from be able to undergo a certain procedure.
For example, people who take blood thinners may need to temporarily stop the medication until the procedure is complete. It is for reasons like this that make consultating with your dentist that much more important.
Exploring Your Options
Although you may not be eligible for certain dental procedures, that doesn’t mean there are not alternative solutions to the problem. During a consultation, your dentist will explain what other options are available to you and he or she will do their best to find the most suitable option for your situation.
Furthermore, it’s important to remember that you’re not obligated to book an appointment after your consultation. If your dentist doesn’t offer the treatment that you wanted done, you’re free to shop around and try to find a dentist who might be able to accommodate your needs.
Understanding the Procedure
There are many dental procedures that are rather simple and straightforward. However, for more invasive procedures such as extractions or root canals, it’s a good idea to sit with your dentist and have them fully explain the procedure to you. Not only does this give you time to ask any relevant questions that may be on your mind, understanding the procedure will also give you peace of mind. This way, you’ll be more relaxed when it comes time for your appointment.
Lastly, a dental consultation is a great opportunity to improve your understanding of your own oral health. While dental care may seem straightforward, many people still don’t take proper care of their teeth and gums.
Consulting with your cosmetic dentist in Walnut Creek is the perfect time to address minor issues. He or she will be more than happy to provide you with additional tips on brushing, flossing and taking care of your mouth.