Dentist Walnut Creek Tips to Take Care of Veneers

Walnut Creek Veneers Location Wants Your Smile to Shine


If you’ve just gotten your veneers, then congratulations on your new and improved smile! Your confidence is sky high, you feel great, and more importantly, you’re smiling more! But this is something to remember about your veneers when you’re living your day to day life, and that’s maintenance. Veneers don’t last forever, but they can certainly last a long time if they’re properly taken care of. That’s why Dental Care of Walnut Creek wants you to know how to give your Walnut Creek Veneers a little TLC.


You must continue to practice your oral hygiene at home, and even on the go! Brushing and flossing twice a day, and brushing after meals are extremely important. Also, you may want to think about changing up your toothbrush and toothpaste. Switching to a softer bristled brush and beneficial toothpaste, like one with fluoride, will help keep your veneers strong.


There also may have to be a change in your diet and habits. Depending on what you chew, certain foods and items can damage and chip your veneers. When it comes to bad habits, avoid chewing on your nails, pen tops, and grinding your teeth. Foods like steak or apples can do the same thing, so cutting them into smaller pieces and chewing them in the back of your mouth will keep any possible damage away from your veneers. There are drinks that can and will damage or stain your smile, so coffee and wine should either be avoided, or enjoyed with a straw.


And one of the most important things to remember: don’t skip the dentist! If something were to happen without your knowledge, going for your 6 month check-up can only benefit you in the long run. Your dentist wants your veneers to shine as much as possible, for as long as possible, so don’t avoid your appointments.


If you have any other questions about veneers or taking care of them, don’t hesitate to call your Walnut Creek Veneers location at 925-937-9017 or click here to schedule a consultation or follow-up appointment!